Thursday, March 20, 2014

The sinking of the Titanic and the sinking of equality.

Economic imperialism during the late 1800s and 1900s was exploitive and extracted. Thanks to Alison, we all know that extracted means "taking out from something else". Thanks to Maura, we all know that exploitive is "taking advantage" of something. (Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone's vocabulary is lacking like mine...anyway!) No matter how bad one's vocabulary is there is one word that everyone knows, and that is the TITANIC. But first for a little background.  
The film poster shows a man and a woman hugging over a picture of the Titanic's bow. In the background is a partly cloudy sky and at the top are the names of the two lead actors. The middle has the film's name and tagline, and the bottom contains a list of the director's previous works, as well as the film's credits, rating, and release date.

Background: Before the Industrial Revolution, trade did not unite the globe. It was rather individual because there was no way to cover distance without technology. Also the gap between countries wasn't as large because of the equality in technology. Before the Titanic, the social classes were blindly accepted. Classes didn't try to expand and mingle with the other classes. For example, in the beginning of the movie, Jack Dawson, and artist/gambler could never get near the likeness of Rose, an aristocrat, because unfortunately he was not well off.   
Titanic (1997)
See the difference?  ^^ >>

After the industrial revolution, Britain became the leading nation regarding economic imperialism and power. Instead of looking for land, Britain focused on economic imperialism, just like Jack, first focused on getting to America, ends up focusing on bettering his chances with Rose (becoming a little richer).  Britain was the original creator of new technology used for trading and economic advancement. England even launched the Titanic! It was the most industrial item at that time. However, the lavishness of the Titanic and the superiority of industry in Britain became a problem for those less fortunate.  
(Because I lost the name of the cartoon, I found a new one Sorry Mr. Yarnall!)
PS not really sure what specific event this cartoon belongs to but you get the idea! 

Because Britain was so far advanced, the middle countries (BRIC) and the 3rd world countries were left in the dust because they were not as industrially inclined. Also, Britain Imperialism was exploitive and extracted (referring back to first paragraph) because raw materials were traded to fuel Britain's economy and Britain forced other countries to take part that didn't have the means to trade. Therefore, there was a huge gap between the industrialized countries and the industrialized, the rich and the poor. Likewise, when the Titanic sank, the gap widened between the elite and the poor. Not even all the aristocrats made it on the lifeboats. It was made evident, the widening gap of the classes.

However, after a short while, other countries became industrialized and started to catch up to Britain! (not so much the 3rd world countries but definitely the middle countries). Jack, after only a few days, cleaned up his act and was on his way to winning over Rose's heart. Their love even influenced her to not go on the lifeboat. How romantic.   
Look how spiffy he looks!

Finally, although there were still economic difficulties in the less advanced countries, they were becoming real competition to Britain. In 1970, the middle countries end up surpassing Britain! You would think it was impossible considering how great Britain was in industry. As middle countries triumphed, so did Jack. He was able to win the heart of Rose and surpass her fiancĂ©. You wouldn't think that a poor boy could end up with a rich girl at this time. Despite the hard economic troubles between classes, Jack and Rose's love conquered all.


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