Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 18, 2015 Blog: Great Northern War, Baroque, Peter the Great vs Louis XIV, Test Review Terms 

Great Northern War:
After Peter the Great made a secret alliance with Denmark and the elector of Saxony (elected king of Poland), he waged a war against Sweden. At the time, Sweden was a leading European power as the rulers had developed a strong absolutist government and built a fabulous standing army. Sweden who also had a significant amount of territory spread throughout Europe. Peter and his allies thought that with their combined forces, they could easily obtain victory over the new, inexperienced Swedish king, Charles XII. Charles XII showed military genius when he easily defeated Denmark and had its sights set on Russia. Ending up victorious, the land that bordered the Baltic (given to Sweden after the 30 years war) is of very high value and therefore aggravates he that it is lost.
The baroque was a reflection of absolutist rulers and their desire to be like Louis XIV. Louis XIV, a man who set many precedents set ones for theme of the future. This passage made it clear that only one party is interested or invested in the conversation. In addition to being merely physically similar, they must have been able to switch without notice. He tried to replicate not only the culture but used Versailles to illustrate his power and the baroque and his supposed building had the same purpose. St. Petersburg was the grand creation of Peter the Great (hence the name) and a replication of Vienna. 
(Current art exhibit in St. Petersburg- a place of innovation and culture)

Peter the Great vs. Louis the 14th:
(From Class there are a few arguments, so here are a few):
1.     Peter the Great and Louis XIV were different because there were different circumstances.
2.     Peter the Great was only successful because he emulated the ruling style of Louis XIV.
3.     Peter the Great’s rule would not have been affected had it been before or after the rule of Louis XIV.

Review For the Test:
·       Byzantine Empire- Catholic, Eastern Roman Empire: After Roman Empire fell apart, the eastern half attempted to remain cohesive for another 1000 years. The Byzantine Empire spans the width of land from Greece to Asia, with its capital in modern day Istanbul (Constantinople used to be the ruler). The people’s religion was no longer Roman Catholic as it switched to an Orthodox religion.
o   Byzantine Influence on Russia: Moscow is the third Rome. Muscovites were inheritors of Roman Empire.
·       Prussia:
o   Elector is a title and the family retains the title (same thing)
o   William the Great Elector
o   Flow chart (D2L) – Makes reference to the leaders and compared all three and the impediments they are experiencing in their governing attempt.
o   Junkers
·       Austria:
o   Subject nationalities- main issue
o   Many long range problems for Austria.
o   Pragmatic sanction- house and possessions never to be divided

·       Random
o   Hereditary subjugation
o   First among equals
o   What you need to be an absolutist state (3 points)
·       Russia:
o   Boyards
o   Early parts of Russia and the 4 rulers
Ivan the Great- Ivan the Terrible- Michael Romanov- Peter the Great

Thank y'all!! See you in a few! 
-Franny <3

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