Wednesday, December 14, 2016

12/14/16 -


Image result for BAGGED MILK

Class thesis based on DBQ.... well, we actually never came up with one
Image result for oops sorry gif

BUT we did come up with a bunch of assumptions on which you can formulate your own thesis if you would like....

basically here is a list of the assumptions

1. Parents didn't get attached to their kids as a means of survival. 
       - kids were likely to die at a very young age, causing a lot of grief for the parents. solution? just      don't care for them at all... that doesn't create a vicious child death circle or anything

       - as kids got older, parents started to get more attached to them... prime example of martin luther talking about how he is sad that his daughter died at 13.

2. Parents only started caring about their kids when the kids started to be helpful.

okay Rousseau wasn't really any assumption thing so i'm not gonna make him #3 but he's under the same idea of childrearing practices...

Rousseau --> excess rigor vs. excess indulgence
 - he def thought that indulgence was worse than rigor because indulgence makes them soft and delicate... aka not apt for surviving the harsh life of the 18th century....

- he basically was like find the middle ground with your children

the picture also doesn't really go with the assumptions... ugh why did i even bother numbering one and two i should have.... oh whatever

anyway, the picture... Image result for children's games pieter bruegel

so besides for the kid hitting his head (although it sort of looks like a handstand) most kids are kind of having fun... mainly because NO ADULTS ARE WATCHING THEM ITS LIKE HOME ALONE WITHOUT CHRISTMASImage result for HOME ALONE GIF

just imagine they had BB guns in the 18th century....

- represents the indifferent attitude of parents (does that mean they are going to the vestibule of hell i'm sorry i couldn't resist a dante joke)

Continuing from parental neglect (its a wonder anyone survived really)....

we move into diets aka your economic status affected the way you ate

- poor --> veggies, little meat, bread --> not balanced, not enough vitamins
- middle (artisans, etc) --> veggies and meat, bread --> balanced
- rich --> meat, meat, meat --> too high in fats and such, unbalanced

Image result for i love bread gif
apparently Oprah has a thing with bread bc every gif about loving bread was about oprah

BREAD LITERALLY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND (until potatoes of course and then it gets replaced, at least in the hearts of the irish)

until bread starts to "become as white as snow" and lose its nutritional value... same thing happened with sugar...

continuing on --> RELIGION 

Related image
the low church on feast days

sooooo.... the high church vs. the low church???

the high church --> ex: the vatican --> they follow the rituals of the church to the letter

the low church --> ex. the backwater parish of wherever --> combine the traditions of the village with the church rituals to make practices more appealing to the townspeople

aka the low church had a lot of fun making pilgrimages and having super fun parties

the protestants (a subset of christians, but not an actual religion) -->

are the protestant revival and pietism the same thing? I don't really know

all i know is that the protestants became hypocrites bc the things they spoke against were things that they did (was that a little harsh i apologize its been a rough day)

anyway pietism was the whole like feelings into prayer and God thing... aka where methodism comes from remember that --> J

ohn Wesley --> bunch of methodist colleges named after him --> mainly important because he founded methodism talking in

we sort of got distracted by the end of the class because Lily wasn't here to keep us on track (we missed you) and also Julia pls come back we missed you also and you were not a second thought if thats what you were thinking I thought of you and Lil at the same time <3 <3 to our sick kids (was that weird i don't even care anymore)

final note for the test:
more info will probably come from chapter 19 in terms of multiple choice but writing will be a combo of both.


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