Monday, January 13, 2014

The 3rd Estate is 3rd wheeling it

National Assembly vs. Estates General

The Estates General was a representation of all three estates of France. Louis XVI called upon the Estates General to approve general taxation, but it did not. This was a major challenge to the kings authority. His absolutism reign was slipping right out of his grasps into the hands of the estates, predominantly the third estate. "With great power comes great responsibility" (Spiderman) so in order to take control, the National Assembly was formed. It was a continuation of the Estates General. Now the questions you may be asking is "why did the Estates General change? Or "What is the difference between the general and assembly?" How else to answer these but with a comparison to Miley Cyrus!

Once upon a time Miley, Lilly, and Oliver were best friends(see below) or at least in cahoots much like the three estates in the Estates General. Sure they had their ups and downs, but they were still united. Then one day Lilly starts dating Oliver (GASP! but really no surprise). Miley is now the third wheel and becomes a loner (poor Miley).

(The three best friends that anyone could have)  TO   (we're happier without Miley!)

She should have gone and started her own National Assembly, just as the common people did during the French Revolution when they were ignored by the nobility and the clergy. The clergy and the nobility allied up (for lack of better word) against the commoners and didn't listen to their ideas or give them a say. The commoners became the 3rd wheel(get it 3rd Estate, 3rd wheel?!) like Miley, left the nobles and the clergies, and focused on their own power. Miley gained power and drew her friends back with her Hannah Montananess. The 3rd Estate had its population, almost a gazillion people!(see below). They all gathered together, with a few members of the 1st and 2nd estates, and started the National Assembly.  

Thus, that is the story of how Miley became the 3rd wheel and how the Estates General led to the National Assembly.

Now a quick side note on Bastille Day (Just because I found a catchy song)

All seemed well and good until Bastille Day! The upper class was not intuned with the poor, hence Marie Antoinette's comment '"Let them eat cake!" Others said they should eat grass like horses. Cake was too hot, and grass was too cold, but bread was jusssstttt right (Goldilocks reference). They just wanted to live life normally. Along with their economic problems, there were rumors that the king was going to invade with his army (UH OH!!) The peasants were desperate so they bombarded the Bastille prison. The peasants eventually broke the monopoly power of the army and saved the National Assembly which would continue to do great things for France.  Song time!!!

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