Monday, March 19, 2018

Class 3/19/18

In order to officially end World War I, the victorious Allied Powers(United States, Great Britain, France, Italy) needed to complete peace treaties with each of the lossing Central Powers(Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire)

What is the Treaty of Versailles?

  • The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919 and ended World War I between the Big 4(United Sates, Great Britain, France, Italy) and Germany.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is commonly blamed for the eruption of World War II 20 years later.

What does the guy from article #2 think about the Treaty of Versailles?

  • He begins by stating what most have been led to believe about the Treaty of Versailles- that the harsh terms given to Germany combined with the "war guilt" Germany was forced to feel through the usage of propaganda have destroyed both the economy and the democratic Weimar Republic in Germany. Therefore, the treaty gave way to the rise of Hitler and greatly contributed to the start of the Second World War.

  • But, he next states, "Yet while the Treaty of Versailles did result in failed peace another world war only two decades later, its real failures are not what we have been led to believe for over 90 years. When we examine the facts, it becomes clear that what "everyone knows" about the infamous treaty is simply wrong."
The Treaty of Versailles was kinda doomed from the start because the leaders of the Big Four countries each had their own agendas:

  • President Woodrow Wilson(U.S) was a tad unrealistic when he essentially thought that all nations could simply live in peace and harmony with one another. In order to ensure this seemingly perfect peace plan, he proposed his "14 points", of which the most important 6 points are: League of Nations, Disarmament, Self-determination, freedom from colonies, and freedom of the seas 
  • Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau's(France) #1 concern was securing protection for his country against future German attacks. He also wanted Germany to pay large reparations including civilian damages. However, US and Great Britain did not want such harsh terms for Germany. So, as a compromise between the Big Three, the US and Great Britain promised Clemenceau that their countries would come to their aid if Germany was to attack them in the future. 
  • Prime Minister David Lloyd George(Great Britain) pretty much got what he wanted already, which was to reassurt Britain as the leading naval power.
  • Primer Minister Vittorio Orlando was mainly in search of land but didn't have enough power to really demand anything.  

  • So what are the misconceptions that are commonly believed about the Treaty and the War?
    • 1. Too harsh of terms were given to Germany --> in reality, the Treaty did the opposite by failing to give Germany harsh enough terms
      • It was very normal for the loser to pay war reparations to the victors. And anyways, Germany only really paid back expenses for civilian damages. It was originally believed that Germany had to pay 132 billion, but only had to pay 50 billion. Germany did not even pay the full 50 billion back. The article dude also includes a quote from a French economist in which he states, "Germany was not unable to pay reparations, it was unwilling to pay them."
    • 2. The Treaty was the main cause for the tanking of the German economy --> in reality, the main cause for the tanking of the economy lies in the poor decisions of their leaders 
      • Hyperinflation began at the beginning of the war when Kaiser chose wrongly when deciding how to finance the war. He relied too much on loans which eventually led to the decision to print more paper money, and therefore, inflation. Inflation was worsened when the Weimar politicians decided to send inflation skyrocketing into "hyperdrive". Hyperinflation greatly contributed to the rise of the Nazis because their revaluation of the German mark stabilized the German economy. 
    • 3. "War Guilt" existed --> in reality, it probably didn't really exist according to article guy.
      • German propagandists made it seem like they were forced to take all the responsibility and guilt for WWI. It is common for the whole "war guilt" thing to be misinterpreted as blaming and shaming solely Germany for the war. 
    • 4. The League of Nations was domed because the U.S. did not join. The League would have been successful if the U.S. joined --> in reality, the League was not doomed solely because the U.S. did not join- it would have failed either way.

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