Friday, September 27, 2013

Luther and Politics

While Luther had originally criticized the Catholic Church (and especially the Pope) for religious reasons, both German princes and peasants decided to interpret his ideas politically.

For those that forget the problems Luther had with the Church here is a quick refresher:

Many German princes decided to use Luther's complaints to justify their hate of the papacy and their attempts to take power away from the clergy.

Ironically, the German peasantry also used Luther's words (to Luther's chagrin!) to justify rioting against the same German princes supporting Luther. Interestingly Luther eventually chose the side of the princes and firmly admonished the peasants for their murderous revolts (which were brutally crushed.)

but close enough

Luther's words would continue to have a much greater impact both religiously and politically, than he could have ever dreamed of.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, much to his chagrin... Is the first thing in the post supposed to be the reformation polka?
