Monday, October 28, 2013

England vs. France? = P!nk vs. Lennon?

After the chaos of the religious war, France and England were considered two of the biggest world powers.

France was guided by King Louis XIV. A charming fellow, he was able to bring an "Age of Magnificence" to France through art and his guidance. Though Louis held an absolute monarchy he was able to control the nobility. How? you may ask. Well Louis asked and used ideas from the nobility (who filled Parlement). With each other's help they were able to reach goals useful to both parties in.

On the other hand, James I governed his kingdom a little differently. The precedent to James I, Queen Elizabeth, had left big shoes to fill. Queen Elizabeth's negotiation skills and understanding of others allowed her to be regarded as one of the best monarchs of England even calling her time the Elizabethan Era. James I did not hold a prestigious air like Queen Elizabeth. While waving to the crowds he got tired and threatened to drop his breeches "so they can cheer at my arse." Regarding his actions in government, James I strongly believed in the divine right that God had picked the ruler of England, who was himself. This caused King James I to antagonize his Parliament and refuse all their offers of help. At the same time, general revenue increased. When land was taken from the monasteries, it was sold off to the general public at the time. This new fertile land increased wool production and agriculture resulting in a boom of trade and exports. This new revenue created a growing power by the common people and James I became even more uncomfortable with the nobility.

James I and his self-righteous nature can be compared to Pink's song "So What". In this song she explains that though her boyfriend broke up with her, she is still a rock star and therefore does not care. James I thought that though his nobility rebels against him, he is still the king (by divine right) and therefore does not care nor listen to the nobility or Parliament.

Louis XIV can be compared to John Lennon and his song "Imagine" (bear with me). In his song, Lennon explains that if everyone put their differences aside they would be able to work together for a common cause and their would be peace. Louis XIV convinced the nobility to place aside their difference to work together for a world that they both wanted to live in.
Both countries attempted new ways at governing their people. Eventually these monarchies will sway from absolutism and toward a constitutionalism similar to ours today in America.

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