Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pluto...Pet or Planet?

France certainly reached its peak of absolutist development with the reign of Louis XIV. Commonly referred to as the "Sun King," Louis dominated his age with the magnificence of his court, the brilliance of his culture, and his remarkably long life. Because of Louis XIV's achievements, the late seventeenth century has also coined the title "Age of Magnificence." One of Louis's most significant government innovations within France was his cooperation with, and his "complete domestication" of the nobility. Before I continue.. I spent a solid 20 minutes searching google for a funny cartoon of our good friend Louis. I thought this would be appropriate for some side entertainment. 

The words "cooperation" and "domestication" bring me to my main point. If Louis was the "Sun," then were the noblemen his pets...

(Mickey = Louis. Pluto = Noble. If it wasn't clear enough already)

or were the noblemen his planets?

What I am trying to ask is this.. Did Louis control his nobles or did they work together? My answer is the complete opposite of what Mr. Yarnall wants to hear (sorry, don't hate me)... The nobles were both planets and pets. The same way one "domesticates" a pet, Louis "domesticated" the nobles with his royal court at Versailles. He required all the great nobility of France to live in Versailles, for at least part of the year, during social, political, or economic dangers. This court system was used as a manipulative tool for Louis, as well as an undermining of power of the great nobility. It was an honor to be a part of such an exclusive council. If a nobleman was caught speaking poorly of the king, Louis's spies would report the offense to him. That nobleman would then be excluded from the court, thereby losing his privilege of attending the councils. For this reason, nobles aimed to stay within Louis's favor. He, the owner, controlled his dog, Pluto. Although Louis controlled the nobles from this viewpoint, he collaborated with them during the councils. They had the right to advise the king, as well as to participate in the royal government. In this way, the nobles were like the planets because they function together with the sun to form the solar system. 
Basically, Louis XIV was a brilliant leader. He secured the nobles' cooperation, and the nobles enjoyed the status and grandeur in which they lived.
P.s. This is irrelevant but I loled. 

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